Shari Johnson in part two of a two-part is an Evangelical Christian mother whose life turned upside down when her 37 year old daughter, Cholene, called her and told her she was gay in July 2002. Shari has just published a book called, “Above All Things: The Journey of an Evangelical Christian Mother and Her Gay Daughter.” In part two of our conversation Shari continues her discussion of reconciling her daughter being a lesbian with her deeply held religious beliefs, attending her daughter’s wedding and starting the PFLAG chapter in Odessa, TX. This podcast should be shared widely with LGBT people who come from Evangelical Christian families and with Evangelical Christian parents who LGBT children.

(Amazon Books | Powell’s Books | IndieBound)
published in 2012
Featured Websites & Organizations
PFLAG’s National Site
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
PFLAG Odessa, TX
Shari Johnson’s PFLAG Chapter
Featured Books & Movies
Prayers for Bobby: A Mother’s Coming to Terms with the Suicide of Her Gay Son, by Leroy Aarons (Amazon Books | Powell’s Books | IndieBound), published in 1996
Prayers for Bobby – The Movie (Amazon Movies), released in 2010
What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality, by Daniel A. Helminiak, Ph.D. (Amazon Books | Powell’s Books | IndieBound), published in 2000
Stranger at the Gate: to Be Gay and Christian in America, by Mel White (Amazon Books | Powell’s Books | IndieBound), published in 1995