Wynn Wagner, the second half of a two-part conversation with Archbishop Wynn Wagner, who is the retired Archbishop of the Old Catholic Church and a celebrated author of amongst other books, a 4-Part homoerotic trilogy about gay vampires. Wynn discusses his writing and then we talk about Apple and the contributions made by Steve Jobs. Wynn then shares 9 voice mail answering messages.

(Amazon Books | Powell’s Books | IndieBound)

(Amazon Books | Powell’s Books | IndieBound)

(Amazon Books | Powell’s Books | IndieBound)

(Amazon Books | Powell’s Books | IndieBound)

(Amazon Books | Powell’s Books | IndieBound)

(Amazon Books | Powell’s Books)
coming in April 2012

Wynn Wagner – Featured Websites & Previous Episodes
heckifiknow.com (Wynn’s Books)
Wynn Place or Show (Wynn’s Blog which he subtitles, Purveyor of irony, innuendo and intextification)
Episode 73: Archbishop Wynn Wagner (Part 1 of 2) – Retired Archbishop and Author
Episode 26: Wynn Wagner, AIDS Philanthropist & Computer Software Developer
Episode 27: Sister Mary Elizabeth, AEGiS (with Wynn and Rick Wagner)
More Websites, Books, & Videos
Dreamspinner Press (publisher of Wynn’s vampier series)
Scrivener (software for writers – available for Mac and now PCs running Windows too)
A Year in the Merde by Stephen Clarke (first in a series of outrageously funny novels about an Englishman living in Paris)
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson (authorized bestselling biography of Steve Jobs that is getting tone of media attention published in October 2011)
iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It, by Steve Wozniak and Gina Smith (published in 2007)
The Second Coming of Steve Jobs, by Alan Deutschman (published September 11, 2001)
Steve Jobs – One Last Thing (premiered on PBS in November 2011)
Celebrating Steve A celebration of Steve’s life held at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California on October 19, 2011