This episode features my commentary on the 2008 election celebrating the joy of Barack Obama being elected as the next president of the U.S. and the Democrats expanding their majority in both house of Congress. I also comments on the passage of anti-gay constitutional amendments along with our attendance at the Dallas Protest as part of The nationwide protest against Proposition 8’s passage and the LGBT fight for same-sex marriage that was held on November 15th in 300 cities and all 50 states in the U.S.

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Text Version of This Commentary
Photos of Dallas Protest against Proposition 8 on 11/15/08 no longer available
Oak Lawn TV Coverage of Proposition 8 Protest in Dallas
DVTV Coverage of the Dallas Protest no longer available
Kieth Olbermann “Special Comment” titled “Gay Marriage is a Matter of Love” Aired on 11/10/08
The Vanderslice Salon no longer available
Join The Impact no longer available