Lesléa Newman famed author and poet best known for writing the famous children’s book, “Heather Has Two Mommies,” which religious fundamentalists tried desperately for years to get removed from librairies. Lesléa has published over 60 books and speaks regularly at colleges and universities all over the country. Lesléa discusses her book of 68 pose, “October Morning: A Tribute to Matthew Shepard,” which was published in 2012. Lesléa Newman was the keynote speaker at the University of Wyoming less than a week after Matthew Shepard died. This highly moving book of poems vividly bring back the brutal murder Matthew Shepard 25 years ago. After my conversation with Lesléa I share a commentary on America’s gun violence.

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Featured Books
Heather Has Two Mommies (Amazon Books | IndieBound)
October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard (Amazon Books | Powell’s Books | IndieBound)
A Letter to Harvey Milk (Amazon Books | Powell’s Books | IndieBound)